

Adult Basic Education-At-A-Distance

Statewide Internet based adult education program to prepare for a GED(R) or a high school diploma.


Adult Education

Adult education programs are for those who want to attain a GED(R) or high school diploma, refresh academic skills for employment or job advancement or who want to learn English. To find your local adult education program, click Go below and then click on Adult Basic Education.


ASSIST-Screen and Apply for Benefits

Looking for some assistance and not sure if you qualify. Use ASSIST to screen and apply for a variety of social service programs. Assist is a website that allows you to screen and apply for the following programs:

  • Food Supplement Program
  • Cash Assistance
  • Child Care Assistance
  • Low Income Energy Assistance Program
  • National School Lunch Program
  • Health Care Coverage
  • Long Term Care
  • Food Bank

Blue Collar Training Grant Program - For Employers

The Blue Collar Training Grant Program is a matching grant program available to eligible Delaware companies. It is designed for Delaware employers who need to raise the skill levels of their existing workforce through customized training. To apply for this grant or just to learn more about the eligibility requirements click GO and click on incentives or call our office at 302-739-4271 and ask for the Workforce Development Team.


Carl D. Perkins-Post Secondary Education

The Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act provides an increased focus on the academic achievement of career and technical education students, strengthens the connections between secondary and postsecondary education, and improves state and local accountability.


Governer's Education Grant For Working Adults

This grant is designed to assist working adults gain marketable skills, enhance their ability to become self-sufficient, and maintain gainful employment. Eligible applicants can receive up to $2,000 annually for preapproved course study. This program is administered by Delaware Higher Education Office and funded by the Delaware Economic Development Office. For more information click GO or contact the Delaware Higher Education Office at or by phone at 302-735-4120.


In and Out of School Programming (WIOA Youth: Ages 14-24)

The purpose of the In and Out of School youth programs funded under WIOA is to provide high-quality services for youth and young adults (ages 14-24). In-School Youth programs provide services to eligible youth between the ages of 14 and 21 who remain in school and need assistance to graduate, and Out-of-School programs provide services to youth between the ages of 16 and 24, who have dropped out of school, or need additional assistance to become employed. Services include but are not limited to career exploration and guidance, continued support for educational attainment, opportunities for skills training in in-demand industries and occupations, work experiences, internships, and culminating with a good job along a career pathway, or enrollment in post-secondary education. Quality career services are provided by contracted In-School and Out-of-School providers and both programs have eligiblity requirements. Click "Go" below to search the providers near you.


Delaware Libraries

Our FREE program offers workshops & resources designed to help get a job or start a business.

  • Learn how to use a computer
  • Find job leads online
  • Fill out a job application
  • Write a resume including an online resume
  • Practice interviews
  • Learn about useful job hunting strategies and tools
  • Work on your GED, take practice tests
  • Take occupational & academic classes.

Job Seeker Services

The Division of Employment and Training works to connect employers and job seekers by providing a variety of employment related services. Services include Resume Preparation via Joblink’s Intelligent Resume Builder, Job Search, Job Referral and Job Matching, Case Management Services for Veterans, Skills Assessments, ABE/GED and foundation skill Refresher, Basic Computer Training and Computer Skills for Job.


Moving to Work Program (DSHA)

The Moving to Work is a demonstration program for public housing authorities that provides them the opportunity to design and test innovative, locally-designed strategies that use Federal dollars more efficiently, help residents find employment and become self-sufficient, and increase housing choices for low-income families.


Registered Apprenticeship

Registered Apprenticeship is a proven method of training involving on-the-job work experience coupled with related instruction, typically offered in a classroom setting. Registered apprentices work for their employer or sponsor and are paid while they learn their respective trade. Registered Apprenticeship, in simple terms, is a program of "learning while earning."


Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

The Senior Community Service Employment Program is a program administered by the Department of Labor that serves unemployed low-income persons who are 55 years of age and older and who have poor employment prospects by training them in part-time community service assignments and by assisting them in developing skills and experience.


$tand By Me

$tand By Me is a statewide financial empowerment program that offers personal financial coaching, interactive financial literacy workshops, help with college funding, and referrals for home ownership, debt consolidation, and banking services. Since 2011, 8,000 Delawareans have worked with a coach to improve their credit, increase savings, reduce debt, and plan for the future.


Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TANF)

TANF is a time-limited cash assistance program for children that are needy by DSS standards of technical and financial eligibility. Children must be living in the home of a parent, guardian, custodian or specified relative. Women in their 9th month of pregnancy can also be eligible for TANF.


Training/School Services (WIOA)

The Division of Employment and Training provides career plan development and follow up, financial assistance for training/school, and other supportive services. Eligibility requirements do exist. Stop in one of our four locations to inquire about training services.


Unemployment Insurance

Assist in the promotion of statewide economic stability and vitality by providing temporary, partial income to workers who become unemployed through no fault of their own. Making referrals of to re-employment services, ensuring adequate funding of the UI Trust Fund and contribute to the development of a qualified workforce by the collection of employer taxes (UI and Training).


Vocational Rehabilitation

The Delaware Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) is a public program that helps people with disabilities obtain or retain employment. DVR's commitment is to help people with disabilities increase independence through employment.


Vocational Rehabilitation for the Visually Impaired

The Division for the Visually Impaired strives to reduce or eliminate barriers to lifelong personal independence produced by a loss or lack of vision. DVI provides services from birth through expiration. Services include: Education (0-21) including early intervention, transition services, independent living, orientation and mobility, and technology training.


Wilmington Job Corps Center

The Wilmington Job Corps Center is a federally funded job training program for youth 16-24 years of age, who reside in New Castle County. The program provides Adult Basic Education, High School Diploma/GED, Drivers Education and Career Training. Career Training is provided in Culinary Arts, Facilities Maintenance, Office Administration and Certified Nursing Program.


Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)

The WOTC is a Federal tax credit available to employers for hiring individuals from certain target groups who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment. WOTC joins other workforce programs that incentivize workplace diversity and facilitate access to good jobs for American workers.


Workshops and Events

Interested in workshops and events, click GO to see what is happening near you. You must scroll to 'One Stop Schedule of Services: Workshops & Events'.



Worker Adjustment Retraining Notification program helps ensure advance notice in cases of qualified plant closings and mass layoffs.

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